Reparations: The Pipe Dream that many Black public intellectuals keep selling…
In many parts of the Black public intellectual world (and the accompanying social media commentary of such), the conversation regarding...

Ta-Nehisi Coates sings the familiar "Its All About Race" song in the October Atlantic....
Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote a piece for the October issue of the Atlantic: “The First White President: The foundation of Donald Trump’s...

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Get It, and neither do many Progressives and Liberals….
“Donald Trump is going to be President of the United States in 2016.” If you told someone that three years ago, they would have thought...

Can Black People be “Racist?” By simple definition, ABSOLUTELY.
One of the narratives that is pushed in the discussion regarding race in American society is that “Black people cannot be racist.” The...

Black Lives Matter – Winning the Battle but Losing the War
Over the last few years, the African American community has been focused on a few issues regarding law enforcement in the United States....

The Emotional and Unrealistic Expectations of Barack Obama by the African American Community
Our love for President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and their family was emotional, and I don't find that particularly problematic....

Review of the Documentary "13th"...
My first observation is the fact that this documentary operates on the presupposition that the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution...